Download Milviz Boeing 737-200C (FSX)
Download Milviz Boeing 737-200C (FSX)
The 737 is a short- to medium-range twin-engine narrow-body jet airliner. Originally developed as a shorter, lower-cost twin-engine airliner derived from Boeing's 707 and 727, the 737 has developed into a family of nine passenger models with a capacity of 85 to 215 passengers.

The initial 737-100 flew in 1967 and entered airline service in February 1968. Next the lengthened 737-200 entered service in April 1968. The 737-200c with gravel kit was released shortly thereafter in an attempt to capture the short runway market.

The plane is still used today by several airlines in northern Canada, Alaska and several other countries where short, unimproved gravel runways are the norm.

  • Max Cruise: Mach 0.74 (485 mph, 780 km/h)
  • Engines: Pratt & Whitney JT8D-17A
  • Approx. Range: 1,500 nm (2,778 km, 1,726 mi)
  • Service Ceiling: 37,000 ft (11,300 m)
  • Maximum Payload: 31,300 lbs (14,197 kgs)


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